School News August 30th

School News August 30th
Posted on 09/05/2024

August 30, 2024

Good afternoon 

We hope that this message finds you well and that you have had a safe and restful summer. We are so excited to welcome students back to school on Tuesday, September 3rd! A warm welcome to all new families and staff who are joining the Crystal Bay school community. Vice Principal, Trisha Yourth shares the following: 


The school office reopened on Monday, August 26th and will follow regular hours 7:30-4:00 pm. For any general questions, please feel free to call the school at 613-828-5376 or email [email protected]

As per OCDSB General Guidelines for Creating Safe and Healthy Schools for Anaphylactic Students [and Staff], Crystal Bay, is a chalk-free and scent-free school. Please refrain from bringing/wearing any of these products when visiting the school. While it is impossible to create a risk-free environment, school staff, and parents can take important steps to attempt to minimize potentially fatal allergic reactions. Additionally, classroom teachers will advise you of considerations for anaphylaxis food allergens. Please reach out to your child/youth’s teacher if you have any questions. 

All visitors to the school are required to use the front door and report to the office to sign in. For student safety, the doors are locked at all times.


8:35 am -Arrival/Playground supervision begins

8:50 am Classes begin

2:30 pm End of instructional day

2:45 pm Dismissal/buses leave

Updating Student Information

If there have been any changes to your address, please complete Student’s Address and Supporting Documentation Form. If you have a change in contact information, e.g., phone number, email address, please contact the school office to let us know. 

We ask you to kindly complete the following forms: Media Permission, at your earliest convenience. If your child has medication to be taken at school or a life-threatening condition please complete the following: Handling of Prescribed Medication for Students with non-Life-Threatening Medical Conditions (if applicable) and Medical Plan of Care (if applicable) linked here and available under “Crystal Bay School Forms” in the Parent Resources tab of the Crystal Bay website.

Student Attendance

A reminder our new Student Absence Management System went live last spring. See: SafeArrival Postcard. To report absences by phone, use the toll free number 1-833-202-1417. To sign up for the app and to see additional information please visit the webpage.

Ottawa Public Health shares important information on keeping your children healthy throughout the school year: Where to Seek Care when your child is sick, Routine Vaccination Schedule and Respiratory Illness Information. We ask you to please keep your child/youth at home when they are ill. In order to prevent the spread of flus and respiratory viruses, we appreciate your support as we implement the following Health Department of Ottawa-Carleton guidelines which indicate that a child who is vomiting, has diarrhea, and/or a fever, remains at home until he or she has been symptom free for a period of 24 hours. If your child displays symptoms of illness while in school, it is our policy that you receive a telephone call from our office. 


School Supplies, Activity Fee and Field Trips

Student activity fees refer to voluntary fees that are used to supplement a student’s school experience. Crystal Bay staff has always worked very hard to provide meaningful excursions at a reasonable cost to families, by alternating between free and fee-paying trips. They also frequently request subsidization and are sometimes given discounts, or free admission.

Crystal Bay has previously requested a voluntary activity fee that goes towards supporting enhanced programming. As we have been fortunate in the fundraising efforts of our school community, this year, we are not requesting a voluntary activity fee. Rather, we are requesting only a field trip specific amount of $10 per student. We will not be asking parents/guardians for funds throughout the year to cover our field trip costs.  This voluntary field trip amount will only appear in School Cash online beginning on Sep 6th for families that wish to contribute.

As principal, it is my job to ensure the dignity of every student and parent is honoured in the school fee collection process. School fees are voluntary, and we will ensure that no student misses an outing or event for financial reasons. Please contact me confidentially if you have any questions or concerns.

Note that parents/guardians are responsible for providing medical/health supplies for personal use or consumption. Please send in wipes, diapers/briefs etc. with your child/youth.

You are encouraged to send a pair of shoes for indoor use and which may be left at school. Physical Education classes are an important part of your child’s/youth’s school day. To enable your child to participate safely in all the activities, it is recommended that they have a pair of well-fitting running shoes (with non-marking soles) that are suitable for playing indoor games. We also request that you send a change of clothes labeled with your student’s name.

Swim Program

The swim program will start mid September at Clifford Bowey School. Teachers will notify you regarding the day and time of the swim program and send you the link to complete the online field trip permission form. On swim days, please send a swimsuit, personal flotation device, and towel in a bag, clearly marked, with your child’s/youth’s name. 

Classroom Communication

Your child/youth’s educator team will be reaching out by email to welcome students on Tuesday, September 3rd. Teachers will communicate with parents/guardians regularly. If you call the school during instructional time to speak to the teacher we will take a message and have the call returned when the teacher is not in class.

School Transportation (OSTA)

Transportation providers will communicate directly with families re bus pick-up and drop-off times. Please sign up with OSTA at for email alerts and cancellation notices. In the past, some of our buses/vans have been canceled at the last minute. By signing up for alerts and notices, you will be notified directly by OSTA as soon as important information is shared.

Please notify your driver (or carrier) if you do not require transportation either from home or from school (i.e. if you pick your child during the day from school).

School Council News

[email protected] 

OCDSB School Council News website

The next School Council meeting is Tuesday, September 17th, 2024 at 6:30 pm. All welcome to join via link sent by email. Note that Elections for the 2024-2025 Executive will be held then.

Looking ahead

2024-2025 School Year Calendar

Sept 3: First Day of School for staff and students

Sept 27: PA Day -No school for students

Sept 30: National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

On behalf of the entire team at Crystal Bay, we are so excited to be partners with you in your child’s/youth’s educational journey and welcoming them back to school on September 3rd. We look forward to a wonderful year ahead making connections and celebrating authentic learning and memorable experiences together.

Kathryn Ferguson

Principal [email protected]

Trisha Yourth

Vice Principal [email protected]

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